@SFPD spins meth story to justify #DeathSquad killing of #JessicaWilliams


Here’s the latest SFPD spin on the execution of 29-year-old Jessica Williams who was gunned down last may May. The Police State proclaims that she had methamphetamine in her system.

This news will probably let the SFPD Death Squad that executed her off the hook.

Jessica Williams, also known as Jessica Nelson, died from a gunshot wound to the chest.

Williams was shot and killed inside an alleged stolen vehicle she was driving.  Actually more like parking when officers approached the car on foot.

According to the limited information made public by the Police State, “at some time during this event the officer discharged an unknown number of round into the vehicle, striking the subject.”

An “unknown number” Huh?

Her death at the hands of Sgt. Justin Erb prompted the resignation of former Police Chief Greg Suhr, and marked the third fatal police shooting since the death of Mario Woods on Dec. 2, 2015.

Williams also had blunt force trauma to her head along her hairline. WTF? They beat her up then shot her? Or was it the other way around?

Enjoy your Police State.

Source: The San Francisco Examiner

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