Federal judge forces #BigOil to defend their climate data in court

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A federal judge in San Francisco had directed lawyers for two California cities and five of the world’s largest oil and gas companies to come to court to present “the best science now available on global warming.”

According to the Associated Press, legal experts say they have never heard of a court holding a tutorial on climate change, and they are eager to see how the oil companies explain global warming. Especially since oil companies have been making up most of their “science” for decades.

Basically, if the judge catches them lying, he’s going to nail them.

Two lawsuits, one by San Francisco and the other by neighboring Oakland, accuse Chevron, Exxon Mobil, ConocoPhillips, BP and Royal Dutch Shell of long knowing that fossil fuels posed serious risks to the climate, but still promoting them as environmentally responsible. They also allege the companies mounted campaigns to downplay the risks of global warming and discredit research that human activity was to blame.

New York City, several California counties and another California city have filed similar suits.

One thought on “Federal judge forces #BigOil to defend their climate data in court

  1. Note that the cities are all demorat occupied states or cities.. basically lunatic politicians desperate for cash to prop up their failing socialist run governments that are going broke from massive welfare payments and corruption. They need more money folks. Anything they present in court can easily be deflected as it’s FAKE Science.


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